Collaboration with
Andreas Schermann
Ricky Runfola
Special Thanks to
Lucy McRae
Attilio Bonelli
The festival culture suffered a major blow due to the pandemic.
Festival attendees didn’t realize what kind of impact an escape frommundane life would leave on their everyday consciousness. To lose thissensory amplifying ritual left and unexpected void in the hearts of thosewho religiously participate in live event culture.
Events are slowly coming back, but the void in the hearts of many are stillin reparation. We at Festephemera have realized that we can no longeraccept the risks of being deprived from the ephemeral ritual of sensory overload and mega event phenomenons.
We asked ourselves, how can we create a series of ritualistic experience devices that transcend their users into abstraction of the sensory overload experiences that were only activated within a ritualistic festival journey.
Our solution?
Introducing Festephemera Corps new product line,“THE MACHINE”




// Unreal Engine
// Environment Art
// World Building

// Unreal Engine Blueprints
// OSC // Game Controller

// Unreal Engine
// Environment Art
// World Building

// AI/Machine Learning
//Cinema4d // generative art

// Environment Art
// Depth Camera
// Unreal Engine Blueprints

// audio-visual //uiux
// multi-user
// unreal engine blueprints

// Houdini // Cinema4d
// responsive Environment

// Cinema4d
// Interactive Experience

// Cinematic Ads
// Interactive

// AI/Machine Learning
// Unity
// Generative Art
// Hololens
// Interactive Exhibition
// Digital Fabrication

// TouchDesigner
// Interactives

// Arduino
// Acutaed material

// Fabrication
// Digital Sculpture

// Maya
// Animation
// World Building

// software // Python
// Unreal Engine Blueprints